Friday, April 5, 2019

How to Make Hot Desking Work for Your Small Business

Trying to streamline a small business can be tough. From balancing employee schedules to fielding the costs of a brick-and-mortar store, keeping a company running efficiently is no simple task.

Luckily, a rapidly-growing trend called hot desking is taking over as the latest and greatest way to organize offices. Keep reading to learn more about hot desking and how it works, or jump straight to the infographic to get our tips on how to make hot desking work for your company!

What is Hot Desking?

Hot desking is an office trend where employees use desks that are available that day, rather than being assigned to a permanent desk or seat. As its name suggests, hot desking is a hot topic for businesses of all sizes. In fact, nearly two thirds of companies intend to implement shared desks by 2020.

Some companies may have started hot desking in an effort to cut the cost of leasing an office space. Instead of spending money on a larger office floor plan to accommodate every employee all the time, hot desking capitalizes on employees who may not spend every day in the office to create a more efficient work space.

How Does Hot Desking Work?

Hot desking works by using varying employee schedules to create an office space where desks can be shared by anyone. It’s all about availability: if Employee A works from home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and Employee B works from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, both can use the same desk in the office because they will never be in the office at the same time.

Some companies take advantage of technology to manage a hot desking environment. Using software to “check in” to a desk or reserve a workspace for the day is an easy way to streamline the sharing system and prevent employee overlap.

Hot desking often works best when paired with a more traditional system of desk usage. Many companies use a mix of hot desks and owned desks to accommodate for employee preferences or use variations of the sharing system like “zoning” and “hoteling.”

“Hoteling,” as the name implies, lets employees reserve a desk in advance. This method is perfect for companies who are introducing hot desking or are looking to streamline an office layout without creating pressure to stampede for seats.

“Zoning” creates designated team spaces for employees who regularly work together. With offices that have several types of employees (graphic designers, marketers, accountants, etc.), this variation is a way to create a strong team bond while offering the flexibility of a shared desk system. Instead of sitting next to team members with job descriptions that match your own every day, hot desking may create the opportunity to work near colleagues who may not even be in your department.

The Pros and Cons of Hot Desking 

Hot desking can significantly improve the efficiency and work culture of your small business, but make sure you know all the pros and cons before deciding to make the switch.

The Pros of Hot Desking

Minimizes wasted space. With office space being the second-biggest cost for most businesses, hot desking helps to minimize wasted space and cost by eliminating the need for every employee to own a desk. Even when employees are traveling, working from home or out sick, hot desks won’t go unused.

Encourages teamwork. Collaboration boosts productivity by up to 25%, meaning an open floor plan with hot desks will help employees work together in teams more often. Couches, bean bags, and picnic benches are great seating options for collaboration space.

Satisfies employees. Employees value flexibility in the workplace. In one study, 87% of employees said flexible work schedules are beneficial to productivity. Offering weekly work-from-home days, telecommuting options, and other flexible work arrangements will make employees more productive and fulfilled.

The Cons of Hot Desking

Damaged relationships. One study found that sharing a desk and workspace with coworkers negatively impacts coworker relationships. Employees who work in a hot desking or activity-based office report diminished friendships and increased levels of distrust in colleagues.

Increased sick days. All that sharing really adds up when it comes to office hygiene. New research has found that the typical office desk used by just one person contains 400 times more germs than a public toilet seat –– imagine adding multiple users to that desk! The same study also concluded that 2 in 3 employees are at risk of illness due to dirty desks.

Decreased focus. The clamor of an open office can cause unwanted noise and commotion during the day. One study concluded that noise pollution drastically impacts employees’ ability to focus, leading some to feel less valued and stressed.

How to Make Hot Desking Work for Your Business

Think your small business could really benefit from a hot desking system? There are some important things you should keep in mind as you begin to set up a hot desking environment!

Hot desking relies on structured schedules to work. If you don’t already, consider offering weekly work-from-home days or the option to telecommute. This will free up desk availability and give your employees the flexibility they crave. Help your team make the switch to hot desking with help from this infographic.

Hot desking is a great way to help your small business grow –– it can boost productivity, employee satisfaction, and efficiency! Remember: keeping your employees’ schedules in mind is one of the most important things to remember if you want to help your team succeed with hot desking!

Looking for other ways to help your business grow? A small business loan is a great way to get your big ideas off the ground and transform them into a successful brand!


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The post How to Make Hot Desking Work for Your Small Business appeared first on Fundera Ledger.

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