Monday, February 11, 2019

18 Business Books You Can Finish on Your Lunch Break (Infographic)

Everyone is constantly reading. Between texts, emails, social media, and articles, that’s hundreds to thousands of words read every day. Yet the typical American has only read 4 books in the last 12 months. It can be hard in our always-on lifestyle to set aside time to read a book. Between your long commute, desk lunches, and endless responsibilities, it can be difficult to find quiet time for reading. But for those who do, there is wealth of knowledge available. That’s why many of the world’s most successful people are voracious readers. Warren Buffett is known to read 500 pages a day, and Bill Gates reads around 50 books a year.

It’s no surprise that these famous CEOs read every day. Reading keeps your mind sharp while allowing you to escape from stresses of everyday life. In fact, reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68%. Seeing other’s perspectives and exploring new ideas helps you analyze situations and make empathetic decisions. Whether you read to escape or to learn, the benefits of picking up a book are more than worth the time you take out of your day.

But if you’re a busy entrepreneur or professional, you may want to maximize the benefits you reap from reading. Find the time in your schedule to read a book that educates you, and you’re sure to grow in your career or business venture. If you can’t find the time to read a book — you can always listen to one. If the world’s busiest and most successful entrepreneurs and billionaires can make time to read, you can too. Try listening to an audiobook while driving, or reading a book while on your lunch break.

We found the best business books out there that helped some of the world’s most successful people advance their careers and businesses. The best part about them is that even if you can only commit to reading them on your lunch break, many can be finished within the week. Check out the infographic to find your next great read.

INC 1, 2 | TheMuse | CNBC |

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from Fundera Ledger

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