Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Member-Managed LLC vs. Manager-Managed LLC: Which Should You Choose?

A limited liability company (LLC) is a popular business entity structure among small businesses. According to the National Small Business Association, nearly one-quarter of small businesses are LLCs. Once you structure your business as an LLC, you’ll need to decide on a management structure.

In a member-managed LLC, the owners have collective control over company decisions. A manager-managed LLC places management authority in the hands of a professional manager or one or more elected members.

As you can imagine, this choice goes to the heart of your company’s day-to-day operations, so it’s a good idea to consult an attorney. But we have the basics covered for you. Read on to find out more about member-managed LLCs vs. manager-managed LLCs and how to choose.

LLC Management

An LLC is a business entity structure that offers owners limited personal liability for business debts and obligations. It’s a popular type of business structure because it’s easier to create and involves less paperwork compared to a corporation.

An LLC might have one owner (called a single-member LLC) or multiple owners. If you’re the sole owner, then you’re in luck—you don’t need to decide between member management and manager management. You are by default in charge of all management decisions.

Things get more complicated when a company has investors or multiple owners. In that case, all the members can collectively manage the LLC, or the LLC can elect a manager.

Whoever is in charge of management will be able to make the following types of decisions on behalf of the company:

  • Enter into legally binding contracts and sign agreements
  • Buy and sell real estate, equipment, vehicles, and other business assets
  • Open, close, and manage business bank accounts
  • Hire employees and other staff members
  • Borrow money through a business loan

As you can see, the people in charge of managing the LLC are pretty powerful. You want to make sure you place this power in the right hands. Typically, you would elect member-management or manager-management when you file your LLC’s articles of organization with the state. Management authority is delineated in more detail in the LLC operating agreement.

What Is a Member-Managed LLC?

A member-managed LLC places management authority in the owners of the LLC  (called “members:”). Each owner has a voice in decision-making. Depending on the specifics of the operating agreement, the owners might have equal say, or authority might be proportional to the level of ownership in the business. For instance, a partner who owns 40% of the LLC could have twice as much say as a partner who owns 20% of the LLC.

In a member-managed LLC, each owner is an agent of the LLC and has the power to bind co-owners by signing company contracts, borrowing money, and taking other decisions. But members must vote to approve such decisions.

This is the right choice for your business if you and your owners want to be actively involved in the company’s affairs. For instance, let’s say you jointly own an ecommerce business with one other person. You want to be involved with launching and running the website, and your co-owners want to handle marketing and pricing. Since you both are actively involved in operating the business, you should opt for a member-managed LLC.

Member-managed LLCs are more common than manager-managed LLCs. In fact, in most states, member-managed LLCs are the default management structure. If you don’t specify a management structure in your LLC operating agreement, you’re by default a member-managed LLC. A member-managed LLC generally also costs less to operate because it doesn’t have officers or a board of directors the way a corporation would.

member managed llc

What Is a Manager-Managed LLC?

In a manager-managed LLC, the owners elect a manager or managers to handle day-to-day business decisions. Members still retain authority over some things, such as dissolving the company. That said, the manager is the main legal agent of the LLC and can quickly make decisions on behalf of the business without waiting for all members to approve. There could be one manager or multiple, and the manager could be a member (but need not be). If the manager isn’t a member, they are called a professional manager. The managers act as a board of directors would for a corporation.

Manager management is appropriate when a LLC has investors. Most investors are passive investors or “silent partners.” This means they own a portion of the business but don’t have the time or expertise to make day-to-day decisions. In this case, members can vote for the most knowledgeable people to be the managers. For instance, in a family-owned business, parents can keep management authority in their hands while entrusting their children with some ownership of the business.

Let’s say you and your business partner in the ecommerce company attract money from two investors. Now you, your partner, and the two investors are members in the company because you each have an ownership stake. But all the members can vote to make you and your partner the LLC managers. That way, you or your partner can quickly make business decisions without having to get consensus from the others.

A manager-managed LLC is also helpful if you have a large company with many owners. If you have more than four or five owners, it can become very difficult to frequently get everyone together to vote on management decisions. It’s better to delegate management responsibility—which can amount to a full time job—to a few of the members or to a professional manager.

member managed llc

Pros and Cons of Manager-Managed LLC vs. Member-Managed LLC

As you can see, there are some crucial differences between a member-managed LLC vs. manager-managed LLC. The choice will have a big impact on your day-to-day decision-making processes.

When choosing your LLC’s management structure, make sure to weigh the following pros and cons:

Pros of Manager-Managed LLC

  • Makes it easy for investors to passively invest in the business
  • Makes it easier for large LLCs to operate quickly
  • Allows managers with active control to make quick decisions without having to get the consensus of all owners
  • Centralizes decision-making authority, preventing a “too many cooks” situation

Cons of Manager-Managed LLC

  • All owners don’t get to participate in management decisions
  • Need to carefully document the manager’s authority in operating agreement
  • A professional manager might not understand the business as well as the owners
  • A professional manager needs to earn a salary, which can be hard on smaller businesses

Pros of Member-Managed LLC

  • All members have a say over management decisions
  • Less complicated structure, particularly for small companies
  • Excellent choice for retailers and other brick-and-mortar businesses

Cons of Member-Managed LLC

  • Management of the LLC can be a full-time job, taking owners’ time away from strategic decisions
  • This structure makes it difficult to raise money from investors

member managed llc

How to Choose Between Member-Managed LLC vs. Manager-Managed LLC

Ultimately, the choice between a member-managed vs. manager-managed LLC depends on the specifics of your business. If you have family investors or other investors, a manager-managed LLC is the obvious choice to centralize decision-making authority in a few key people. Same goes for a company with many owners.

Connor Jackson, a business attorney at Jackson LLP Healthcare Lawyers, says:

“A manager-managed LLC may be preferable when there are members who want a more passive role or don’t have the ability or desire to participate in management. In a larger LLC with many members, manager-managed may be the better option because it can streamline business decisions. There isn’t a need for each member to agree or coordinate on every business decision.”

But for a small business with just two or three co-owners, it’s easiest to divide management powers among the owners with a member-managed LLC. This structure gives owners more say over the future of the business, something that most entrepreneurs crave.

Member management is also a wise choice if your business requires very specialized expertise, says Steven Sinatra, who co-owns World Pawn Shop with his father.

“We went for member-managed, because we are in a business that it’s hard to replace yourself. There is so much to know to be a pawnbroker. It takes two to three years for our employees to get the hang of their job. With member management, you can run your business exactly how you want it to run. You can fix problems instantly.”

Whichever structure you choose, it’s important to document your choice in your LLC operating agreement. The agreement describes who has management powers, what kinds of decisions they can make, voting rights among members, and more. It’s possible to make an LLC operating agreement on your own, but for guidance, you can use an online legal service or hire an LLC lawyer.

Here are operating agreement templates from Rocket Lawyer for a member-managed LLC and manager-managed LLC.

member managed llc

member managed llc


Remember that LLC members are owners in the business. They receive distributions out of the company’s profits, but they are not employees. Professional managers, on the other hand, are considered employees and do receive a salary for their work. As with any other employee, you must withhold income and payroll taxes from a professional manager. If someone is both a member and a manager, then they can receive a salary for the portion of time they spend on management duties.

Member-Managed LLC vs. Manager-Managed LLC: One of Many Decisions to Come

When starting a new business, deciding your management structure is just one of many choices you’ll need to make. But it’s an important one and worth thinking about carefully. If you make the wrong choice, you could either feel held back from making important business decisions, or you could feel like you have too much on your plate. And neither is a good position to be in.

Fortunately, LLCs are a flexible business entity structure. With some tweaks to your operating agreement and buy-in from other members, you can change your management structure in the future. Just be sure to consult your attorney before making any choices that could affect your business’s future.

The post Member-Managed LLC vs. Manager-Managed LLC: Which Should You Choose? appeared first on Fundera Ledger.

from Fundera Ledger https://www.fundera.com/blog/member-managed-llc/

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