Saturday, May 19, 2018

How to Make a Business Facebook Page in 7 Steps

Having an online presence as a small business owner as never been more important—and that includes a Facebook Business Page. Facebook continues to be the most popular social media network with 79% of US users regularly using Facebook, according to a 2016 PEW survey. One-third of Facebook users also engage with brands regularly while online, so if you don’t have a presence there yet, there’s no better time to figure out how to make a business Facebook page. 

There’s a huge opportunity for small businesses to reach new audiences: 97% of consumers search online for local businesses regularly, and 90% of consumers read online reviews before even visiting a business. If your business isn’t online, you’re missing out on an huge, untapped audience of potential customers. Facebook in particular is an easy-to-use, and more importantly free, service that you can use to advertise your business in an engaging and fun way.

Because you have control of how you make your Facebook page for business, you can easily shape your business’s image, and can prove to a potential customer the reliability of your service and friendliness of your employees without them having even visited. Take the first step and introduce yourself, and your business, to an entirely new audience by learning how to make a Facebook Business Page with our step-by-step guide.

Here’s your step-by-step guide on how to build a business Facebook page:

1. Create a Facebook account or login in. 

You’ll need a personal account as an administrator of your page.

2. Create a Page.

Go into your settings and select “Create a Page”:


If your aim on Facebook is to promote your business or brand, select the “Business or Brand” option. Some entrepreneurs may be interested in promoting themselves as a Public Figure, or interested in building a community around their brand—this is a great option to pursue further down the line as your brand grows and becomes more recognizable to a larger audience.

After clicking “Get Started,” you will receive a series of prompts in which you can input your business’s name and choose your industry category. There are options as specific as “Automotive Repair Shop” or as general as “Local Business.” Your industry choice (and even your business’s page name) can be changed down the line, so just try to pick the best fit for your small business for now. If anything changes later on, like your business’s name or even your product or service, Facebook allows you to quickly change all of these options when that time comes.

3. Fill in your business information.

Next, fill in your business’s address and phone number, especially if you want visitors to your page to be able to contact and stop by your business. If you have an online business, work from home, or a business that is not located at a brick-and-mortar shop, you can choose to not display your address on your page.


Another great thing about Facebook is that it allows customers to directly engage with your business—so even if you don’t have a real store, or don’t want to provide a number, you can direct your followers to contact you via Facebook’s messenger or on the page itself.

4. Choose your page’s images. 

Now onto the fun part! You’ll need to choose an image for your Facebook page’s Profile Picture and Cover Photo.


For your Profile Picture, decide what you want the “face” of your business page to be—you could choose your business’s logo (a great option if you’re looking for brand recognition) or a picture of your store. If your business is online-based or you freelance online, you could do an image that represents your work. Most importantly, you want your profile picture to showcase an easily recognizable aspect of your business—we recommend using your business’s logo or an image of your store with some sort of sign or signifier that indicates this is your unique business.

You’ll also need to select an image for your cover photo. Whatever image you don’t use for your profile picture, you can use for your cover photo. For example, if you select your logo to be your profile picture, use an image of your employees at work for your cover photo, or vice versa.

You can be more creative with your Facebook business page’s cover photo. If you have a physical shop, take a great picture of your brick-and-mortar store or workspace that either shows off the location of your business or indicates what your business does! For example, if you own a bakery, choose a picture of yourself or your employees at work in the bakeshop.

The options for your photos are endless—just make sure the image is appropriate for your business and conveys what your product or service is to those that have never seen it before. Just remember to never make a potential customer guess what your business is! Tell them straight out, and as creatively and interestingly as you see fit.

Here’s an example of how your newly created Facebook business page will look after you’ve chosen a Profile Picture and Cover Photo:


Remember, you can always change either of these images at any time. A great way to keep followers interested and up-to-date on your business Facebook page is to routinely update the pictures to convey changes in your business, seasonal changes, or to promote sales and events for your business.

5. Customize your business page.

After completing these first few steps, Facebook will prompt you to complete further information for your business page in this module:


As you can see, there are nearly unlimited options to customize your Facebook business page, all of which will optimize your business’s status on Facebook. These options include your business’s website, a short description of your business, and even the option to create a special username for your Facebook business page.

6. Review your business page’s insights and analytics.

Now, one of the best things about venturing online to make a Facebook business page is all of the insights and analytics that come with it. You’ll receive a wide range of notifications that allow you to keep close tabs on users interacting with your business page and posts—which will allow you to be a more attentive business owner.

Your business Facebook page has the ability to track all kinds of analytics to provide insights into your audience that may have never known without it, including likes and comments, clicks to your website, and even how many views you’ve received on your posts. There are probably metrics that you didn’t even know you could follow from your Facebook page.

Insights and analytics are a great tool to keep track of your audience and understand your potential customers, so get familiar with it and use it to your advantage.


7. Connect your social media profiles. 

If you’re already on another social media network like Instagram, you have the option to connect your Facebook business page with your Instagram page This is a great way to connect followers that are already interested in your business to a bigger platform, where they can really interaect with you and possibly attract a larger audience to your business page.


It’s Really That Easy to Make a Business Facebook Page

Facebook is an excellent social media network for small business owners to start out on—it’s easy to use, customizable, and has the biggest platform of any social network for small business owners to connect with new audiences. Facebook business pages also allow users to leave reviews of your business—a huge benefit to you, especially as 56% of consumers say they are more likely to recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook.

Take advantage of the opportunity to reach a new, wider audience online and enjoy building a business Facebook page that represents who you are as a business owner and shows off the best of what your business can do.

The post How to Make a Business Facebook Page in 7 Steps appeared first on Fundera Ledger.

from Fundera Ledger

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